Professionals all have a scheduling process, even software, to organize their day. CXLIST.COM is different. It fills up your schedule when there are gaps or unexpected cancellations in your day. By tracking your client contact information and availability it finds people who need to see you and are available during those open times! Your client will love getting in to see you; you will love having a full schedule each day.
Now serving the US and Canada. Specializing with professionals who work in solo and small group practices.
'CXLIST.COM' (Cancellation list dot com)' is an online client communication tool that fills in gaps for professionals who have last minute
openings in their schedules. It broadcasts the availability of an appointment to clients or patients who have requested to be notified of
an opening . CXLIST.COM uses text messages, email and/or voicemail to notify clients instantly when the professional has an unexpected
During the intake process a client may request that the professional's office input their preferred times should they become
available. The client is given options for how to be notified. Do they prefer to be texted, called or e-mailed? Clients can update their
availability settings when their appointment needs change, such that notifications stay current. Once notified, clients may contact the
professional's office to fill in the open appointment time.
CXLIST.COM can be administered personally by the professional or by designated staff members depending on the size and configuration
of the practice. Since it is web-based, notifications can be sent "after hours" or even on weekends when the office is closed. CXLIST.COM
pays for itself if used even once or twice a month to fill a cancellation spot!
CXLIST.COM was created as an automated cancellation list, but it also does other useful things for professionals. Check the "Features" link in the banner above for descriptions of other functionalities that are integrated into the cxlist site and included in the monthly subscription price.
Also look for additional information about CXLIST.COM including the 30 day free trial for professionals who subscribe to the service. Check out the CXLIST.COM "Try It!" demo to experience how the messages will look and sound to your clientele.
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